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Our Product Brands

Our team of experienced biologists, physicists, chemists, and microbiologists has worked hard to develop a wide range of seed coating products that have been tested for quality and effectiveness. We are proud to showcase some of our most successful formulations here, where we have helped our clients achieve their aims in functionality and quality. Our focus on providing high-quality solutions and dedicated technical advice has set us apart from our competitors in the industry. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you with your next project.


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Our Seed Coating Materials

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Thin film coating polymers that wrap around your seed with minimal weight increase but clearly identify treated seed and improve characteristics such as abrasion resistance, flowability, and appearance. Important to keep low dust and to help additives stay in place where needed.


Encrusting & Pelleting

If you have seed which is inconsistent in size, or is simply a difficult shape for handling either through packing, or through planting equipment then evening up the size range or improving the shape, or ballistics can be achieved by utilizing these powder blends around your seed.


Crop Solutions

 Have a look through the gallery of some of the more popular crops. If you can't find yours simply get in touch with us and we can help you determine what products may be suitable for your needs. Remember if we don't have it yet we can always formulate the product specifically for you.

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